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From Vision to Action


Updated: Feb 1, 2023

Ford Biomedical Laboratories began more than 20 years ago at hands of its past and current owner, founder, and CEO, Aida Abdel Hak. A state-of-the-art laboratory located in Southeastern Michigan, at the corner of Schaefer and Ford Road, Ford Biomedical Laboratory offered a wide range of medical testing to visiting patients, covering tests in toxicology, hematology, general immunology, and others.

Over the years, it acquired its certifications by the CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) and COLA (Commission of Office Laboratory Accreditation) and has since

From Vision to Action

provided comprehensive blood testing and drug testing for medication monitoring, and various support services to hospital organizations, medical practices, clinics, and other labs as a business-to-business service.

With its on-site solutions program, FBML provides practice with a dedicated FBML employee to collect, process, and ship, designed in a way to assist patients with questions and concerns so practice staff can focus on patient treatment.

Today, Ford Biomedical Laboratories offers an even wider range of testing options not only on the local scale in Metro Detroit, but also across multiple US states

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